Membership at Financial HEIRs has numerous privileges ...
Join the adventure!
Anggota nampi akun online anu ngamungkinkeun aksés kana seueur kauntungan anu didaptarkeun di handap ieu.
Learn More
Free Plan
There are numerous ways for you to get free help
Monthly e-Magazine
Online classes - several each month
We will help transfer your HEIR to a financial planner after they have saved up $100,000
If you would like to help us keep offering free services, you can give a Tip here.
Million Dollar Decisions
We offer a second monthly newsletter which explains the numerous Million Dollars Decisions your HEIRs age 7-21 will make. How can you inspire them to choose wisely?
You will receive this newsletter, along with everything in the Free Plan, for only $10/month.
You will also keep everything in the Free Plan
All Access Membership
You get everything ... on your own schedule.
Free Plan benefits, plus ..
Million Dollar Decisions newsletter, plus ...
Archives of our classes, e-Magazines, and Million Dollar Decision newsletters
Annual Consultation - a complimentary 50 minute Consultation to keep your family on track, which would have cost $200 per year
Free Downloads - templates, etc.
Anggota bakal nampi kauntungan di handap ieu saatos ngalanggan ...
Langganan buletin berbayar kami anu rinci ngeunaan Kaputusan Juta Dolar anu bakal dilakukeun ku anak anjeun dina yuswa 25
Aksés ka sadaya arsip online ... e-Majalah, buletin berbayar, sareng kelas video
Tinjauan Taunan Genep Puluh Menit - konsultasi pikeun ngajaga kulawarga anjeun dina jalur
Kamampuhan pikeun kolaborasi sareng anggota komunitas Eternal Finances sanés pikeun ideu tambahan sareng dukungan ngalangkungan sistem papan pesen kami.
Pitulung dina mindahkeun ka Nu Ngarencana Keuangan nalika anak anjeun ngahontal $100K dina tabungan ... kalawan tujuan pisan achievable $120K ku umur 25
Pikeun ngadaptar janten Anggota, buka Toko kami.
We will address your specific questions and challenges in a private meeting. Did you miss a class? Is there a problem motivating your HEIRs? Do you need help understanding a financial component? What are your victories or struggles?
Consider an annual consultation ... since you already know the value in reviewing your finances annually. We can help you prepare to meet with your HEIRs, or you can invite them to this consultation. This annual consultation will help keep your entire family on track.
See our Consultations page for scheduling.