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FHI has helped families in need since we launched.   We are pleased to offer discounts and free classes to families in need.


You can apply for a scholarship to take online classes at FHI.  Click here to find out details.


Each year we also give away a $1,000 scholarship to a young person looking to expand their education beyond high school.  Click here to find out details.


Generational, Generous, Genius


We are exploring ways to expand FHI into a curriculum for K-12 students to allow the broader public access to the FHI teaching materials during school hours.


We encourage the idea of finding a person older than you to become a benefactor on your behalf, along with simultaneously supporting someone younger than you by being their benefactor.  We call this the Blessing to Benefactor model.  Even a partial matching gift toward someone's savings is very inspirational for them to keep saving.  See our upcoming book Making Million Dollar Decisions – Stories of Young People Inspired to Live Off Investment Interest.

Pemaquid Lighthouse in Pemaquid Maine.  .jpg
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